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404 Aplets Way
Cashmere, WA, 98815
United States


Loves Me Flowers is a full-service floral design company in Cashmere, Washington, that specializes in weddings, corporate events, parties, showers, birthdays, daily deliveries, and flowers by the week for business or pleasure.

Retail Shop

From our retail shop in Cashmere, WA, we provide floral services for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations or Just Because. We also have a hand-picked selection of air plants, green and blooming specialty plants, and containers. Whenever possible, flowers are sourced locally. We also offer small-batch, handmade gifts, cards and gift basket collections.


Loves Me Flowers Shop

Visit us in Cashmere, Washington, to discuss your special event, to pick out an everyday arrangement, or to browse our selection of gifts, cards, and other specialty items. We provide a selection of items from local artisans and makers, plus other fun items that make a great accompaniment to your floral arrangement or a gift on their own!

404 Aplets Way

Cashmere, WA 98815



Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Saturday- 9:00am-3:00pm
Closed Sunday